Tony would like to acknowledge these people for their valued help and assistance . 

Jason Burgess  for a huge amount of photographic documentation over many years combined with his and George’s continual support and patronage. 

Roger Simpson for his continuing work on this web site coping with my constant mind changing, back tracking, all combined with sporadic bursts of enthusiasm and then nothing over a period of years. I would also like to acknowledge his constant support and patronage without which I would not have been able to continue.

Dale Hunter for being the person who bought a painting at my first show in 1979 and has continued to support me since then both as a patron and a personal friend.  
Without Dale’s consistent support for my work things would be rather different today. 
Wayne and Noeline Johnston for strong family support especially in financial keeping afloat type situations and generally being incredibly understanding about all sorts of things. 
Enyth Good is a long term steady patron and friend who has given me great advice and support preparing, assisting and generally making sure some sort of systems are in place for exhibitions on many occasions. Without Enyth’s assistance a lot things would not have gone so well or maybe not happened at all.
Warwick Brown for giving me my first show at the Ellerton Gallery in
1997 and subsequent shows there and at Portfolio Gallery. I would also
like to thank him for his continued patronage and support in many
Rob Macgregor for giving me some where fantastic to live and work. Without Rob I don’t think the Bird Sculpture would have been built and I certainly would not have the continuing option of the work spaces that the Penguin Studio and The Whakatiwai Fishing Lodge has given me over such a long time.
Mike Foley of AAA Automotive for providing transport solutions with reliable vehicles, great finance options, and service above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks Mike it certainly beats walking.
Chris Short for being very helpful in times of dire need and for ending up with quite a nice collection of my work and for quite a few other things as well. Cheers Buddy

John McCaulay for being a very long term friend and another who I must acknowledge as saving my bacon on one or more occasions. John is another who has a very good collection of my work and I hope that it all has been a worthwhile exercise for him. Thank you John

Graeme, Pat and the late Jack Sinclair for ongoing support over a very long time in many different ways. The time at Kuratau was a life saver and all the pottery equipment donations were awesome. I am so glad you got some good paintings out of it.

Ewan Gebbie Ewan Gebbie for helping me out a few times in trying circumstances during the last of the Wellington years.
When I look back I think WOW, thanks heaps mate. It has been really good to catch up with you again recently and get to know Arianna and the family. All the best in the future buddy.

Kevin and Dianne Johnston for

 constant support. My big brother and

his family have been very helpful to

 me over a rather extended period in

 all sorts of ways. Thanks guys.

Mark Bedford for help in the real things like fridges and engineering things and for being a long term friend and patron. Thanks Mark.

Danielle Johnston for having to be

 the daughter who has carried an

 awful lot of baggage from  my early

 marriage breakup, my alcohol

 induced good intentions and

 subsequent self centered artistic

 pursuits. Thank you Danielle for

 the current relationship we now



Gordon and Leslie Millar for being fantastic neighbours and Patrons.

Lawrence and Toni Mc Watt for being great neighbours, helping me out on many occasions.

Brody Runga and Aroha Crosbie for being supportive friends.

Chris Smith for helping in all sorts of ways.

Brett Spicer for tech assistance and regular state of the art entertainment.

Roimata Macgregor for carrying on the family tradition in providing a place to work for me and all that entails.

Kathy Walsh for being a very understanding landlady.